Dedicated to Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment: A sanctuary for mind, body, and soul rejuvenation! Spirituality encompasses the acknowledgment of a higher power or purpose beyond the physical realm, inviting us to explore the depths of our existence and transcend our earthly limitations.
As one lets only love and kindness pour forth from his heart and his mind he learns to hold himself in the great stream of God's concentrated love and will receive the life more abundant and will be restored to beauty, both of form and feature.
Love is Life! One can become that love as he permits it to flow out through his being to enfold the world and every living thing upon it. In this outpouring love one's own soul is the first to receive of its healing, maturing, glorifying powers of renewal and quickening. Next the physical body will be enhanced as one is rewarded openly for his own inner communion. Then it is that this love, in expanding and increasing grandeur and power, will flow out through his heart to help heal and bless a world.
The love of God holds within its potential powers the power to "lift" and exalt not only one's face but every condition. This love is brought forth through man's own thinking and "feeling" vibrations and activities. As one's thinking is exalted the face will be lifted to assume the loveliness and beauty of his thoughts.
As one steps into the "Life More Abundant", by his exalted vision, the lower laws of mortal, negative thinking will be replaced by the love and power of divine thinking. The body will become the holy instrument through which the soul operates as the love of God is released in ever increasing beauty to fill the entire being of man. Then the whole body becomes enhanced, beautified, invigorated, renewed and glorified. The physical part of man, the mortal flesh, assumes the powers of the Spirit as he becomes alive to "STAND FORTH' in the power of God - to be fulfilled! This is man's destiny and his true heritage.
As one travels this higher road of light he will soon realize that he is traveling in the Spirit. He has left the heavy task-master behind, mammon. The very earth has lost all hold upon him. He is free! Forever and forever abundantly, beautifully free! It is then one realizes that never again can he relapse or return to the caverned, dismal darkness of mortal thinking and existing. He has learned to think only the most beautiful things possible and has thereby entered a realm of sheer, exquisite beauty, of joy and gladness and everlasting, increasing power. He is abiding in the life more abundant, vibrant, exotic, eternal!
Excerpt from the book Celestial Song of Creation
You will find yourself drawn to one color more than others. The energy of that color is what you need, at this moment, in order improve and balance your emotional state. Drink in the color through your eyes until you feel satiated. This may take several minutes. Remember to take care of your eyes by blinking and look away from the screen occasionally. Once satisfied you have absorbed enough of the color's energy close the psychedeliscope window to return to the meditation page. Or you can view the color chart to see each color.
This color experience provides the opportunity to discover for yourself, the impact colors can have on well-being. The need for a particular color's energy seems to differ from day to day or even from hour to hour. Here's a theory: when you absorb color energy it travels, via the nervous system, to the part of the body that needs it. Each body has its own optimum state of well-being and is constantly seeking ways to maintain or restore a balanced state. Utilizing color is one way you can help yourself to harmony!
Color can stimulate your energy and mood levels by giving you a chance to balance your mind, body and spirits through color therapy. The concept of color and it's power is centuries old. So simple to use and apply to your needs. On and off with the flip of a switch. Effective when used only minutes a day, the color can have a positive balancing action on your feelings.
Gaze at the colors for as long as you feel you need to. Depending on the severity of the imbalance in your energy, it may take as long as 30 minutes before a sense of irritation begins to be felt as the saturation point for a color's energy is reached.
In color there is life. To understand this power, is living. Color could very well be the most magnificent experience we take for granted. Look around; it's everywhere, surrounding and embracing us. We interpret life as much through color as we do shape, texture and sound. The truth is, the power of color is the very essence of life.
Just by using this site you have received color therapy, your eyes drink in the vivid colors.
Hugging is healthy. It helps the body's immune system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.
Hugging is all natural. It is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and 100 percent wholesome.
Hugging is practically perfect. There are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation proof, nonfattening, no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, theft-proof, nontaxable, nonpolluting and, of course, fully returnable.HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE TODAY?
A little boy is telling his Grandma how "everything" is going wrong: school, family problems, and severe health problems in the family. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a snack, which of course he does.
"Here, have some cooking oil," she says. "Yuck" says the boy.
"Then how about a couple raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma!" he replies.
"Would you prefer some flour then? Or maybe some baking soda?" she asks.
"Grandma, those are all yucky!" he replied. To which Grandma replies:
"Yes, all those things seem to taste bad all by themselves. But when they are mixed together in the right amounts and the right manner, they make a delicious cake!"God works the same way. Many times we wonder why he would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when he puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you. If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. When you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart. And what about the Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem? Face it, He's crazy about you.
Send this on to the people you really care about. Every beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
May your week be blessed in many special ways .
The majority of the people in this world are very unhappy. A little more love coming into people's lives can change the world. People can be happier in themselves, they can be happier with their situation in life and everyone they meet can share in this happiness. So how do we share our love with the world and raise the spirits of all on the planet. What I suggest is that we need a chain reaction that starts from one small source but which keeps propagating and multiplying into further chains until it has reached every person now alive.
We need to show love to our fellow beings, but rather than to expect the love to be returned, part of this love should be passed on to bring further people into the chain. This is quite a regular occurrence within families throughout the natural world. Animals have young and devote a large amount of their lives into feeding, sheltering, protecting and rearing them. Both generations show love for each other, but the devotion given in raising the family is not returned. Instead this is passed on to the third generation as they are fed and cared for by the second generation. It is in this spirit that I am suggesting we pass love amongst ourselves, eventually including every living person. The same love may be passed on to any number of other people, each creating an additional chain of love. As this love spreads out there will be a small ripple of love, passing over the surface of the globe. When this returns to its source it will be amplified due to a form of resonant feedback and the love will have the opportunity to grow without end as it goes round the earth for a second and third time.
This love can be transmitted to the world on many levels. On a physical level we can help those in need; go do the shopping for the person who finds it difficult to walk, feed someone who is hungry, offer a smile or a kind word to someone who is troubled. The act of giving is in itself a blessing which will boost you emotionally and this too will be received by others raising their own emotional energies and encouraging them to join in.
My aim is to send a ripple of love around the world. I want to touch every inhabitant of the earth with love. I want every person to know that they are loved. I want every person to know love. I want every person to feel good because they have shown love to their fellow beings.
When friends love each other they help each other through life in many different ways They usually repay that love by helping each other again and again. The love passes backwards and forwards between them in a wonderful and very beautiful way.
What I am proposing is that we should pass the love that we are shown onwards to a third person, or maybe more than one person. If that person then wishes to repay us they should do this by showing love to yet a further person and in this way a chain will be formed, rather like a chain letter. There is nothing to stop you returning the love from whence it came as well. I want these chains of love to travel round the globe as a ripple of love, passing through the total awareness of the planet.
Everyone has some love that they can give, even if this is just a smile and a kind word to someone who is troubled. Help two people instead of one and the love is doubled, the chain becomes two chains.
So how about it? The next time you receive an act of kindness, a helping hand or moral support, repay the love shown to you by supporting a further person in some way and suggest that they pass the love on to someone new when they feel they want to. Love continually passed on in this way can benefit the whole planet. Why not multiply the love and help two people for each act of kindness that you receive. In this way we can send a ripple of love around the planet and who knows, it may be a tidal wave of love after it has been around a couple of times.
The essence of "our being" is love. Love is eternal and conquers all fears. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving ourselves and others rather than judging. Forgiving is the greatest gift that we can give, especially to our selves. Health is an inner peace. Healing is releasing the past. We can let go of the past and the future, "now" is the only real time for us. We can become "love finders" rather than "fault finders". Forgiveness is the way to true health and happiness. We are students and teachers to each other.Giving and receiving are the same, as I give to you I receive the gift of joy. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments. We can perceive others as either extending a need for understanding or a call for assistance (help). We can choose to direct ourselves to experience peace regardless of the events of our lives - chaos comes when we lend our personal energy to it. All minds can be joined through the energy of the heart. The principles of the essence of our being are tools with which we can learn to make better choices.Speak from your heart with compassion, respect and understanding for all that they may be lead to experience Christ and their Highest Good. Let your heart light shine forth only light and love. Confront no one. Judge no one. Take the time to make your intentions clear. Take a moment of silence to keep inner peace for all concerned. Honor that we are all human beings and equals to each other. Respect and honor the absolute confidentiality of others. Be supportive and sensitive to others around you
If you do not heal the wounds of the past you will continue to bleed. Many of us operate in "wimpy" stories. How much energy do you invest into the memories of childhood? Sometimes when you are the victim you think you are the "good guy." When you clear up the past you erase history, which you can still honor by the way. Go back and clear it but don't stay there. Just go back in gratitude. When you move through the healing process, blocked energies are released.
By letting Love and Compassion into your heart you will automatically forgive everyone, fear will disappear and Divine love will be in your life. We are children of God and we have to reawaken our Divine nature.
Diseases may be looked upon as obstacles in our paths, which have been positioned there by our Higher Selves, so we can slow down and re-examine where we are going with our lives.
Illness is a warning sign that tells us something is wrong and must be corrected. If not, the illness will flair up again and again until we listen to it or it will be too late. If we do not change our direction we might wind up where we are headed. Jesus said, "I am the door." You can't fit through the door if you are carrying the past around.
When combined as defined in the dictionary the word Spiritual Health means relating to the spirit or sacred matters when in sound physical or mental condition.
I believe that human spirituality is the soul or light that lives in each one of us. It lies deep in the recesses of one's being and is the source of true love, peace, joy, and happiness. The spirituality in each one of us is the inner radiance of self-effulgent light that exist as love and offers the inner calm that humankind call peace. In finding our spirituality we must first believe that it exists and that means to believe in ourselves. Spirituality is the source of self-confidence, without which nothing is accomplished.
The path to Spiritual Health begins after finding our soul or light and exercising it so that it becomes strong and glows brightly. When most people see or hear the word exercise they immediately associate it with the physical body and think of running or weightlifting. These exercises are all good for the body and helps in building our confidence and improving our physical health. However, in order to exercise our inner being to achieve spiritual health we must do other exercises such as meditation, fasting, developing healthy relationships, getting in touch with nature, and reading to name a few. With these exercises the soul or light becomes strong, and healthy thus, the realization of the true meaning of love, peace, joy, and happiness are achieved.
Contributor: Andrew BakshWHAT IS SPIRITUAL HEALTH?
Good Spiritual health means I am free from diseases of the mind, body and spirit
No traces of negativity remain
All obstacles have been overcome
My face sparkles with happiness
Good Spiritual health comes from a healthy spiritual birth
Be born to your true self - the Personality of Purity -
by remembering God/Goddess/Spirit, your eternal Parent
I am living my life with God/Goddess/Spirit
I am talking to God/Goddess/Spirit
I am learning from God/Goddess/Spirit
Inner joy is the best of medicines
It all depends on what you hold in your heart.
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