Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2023

Spiritual Journey: Healing

Spiritual Journey: Healing

 Spiritual Journey: Healing


 by Olivia Salter

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in faith, today I come to you to talk about a remarkable and transformative power that is available to each and every one of us: the power of healing. Healing, both physical and spiritual, has been an integral part of human existence since the dawn of time. From ancient practices to modern medicine, the pursuit of healing has always been a fundamental aspect of our lives.

In the Bible, we find numerous accounts of miraculous healings performed by Jesus Christ. He healed the blind, the deaf, the crippled, and even the dead. His compassionate touch brought comfort and relief to those who were suffering. Through his actions, Jesus highlighted the divine nature of healing and the importance of addressing the brokenness that exists in our bodies and souls.

The concept of healing extends beyond physical ailments. Emotional wounds, spiritual brokenness, and psychological distress all require healing as well. We live in a world fraught with pain, suffering, and brokenness, and it is crucial that we acknowledge and address these issues with compassion and understanding.

Healing is not something that should be relegated to the realm of the divine alone. We all possess the capacity to promote healing in our lives and the lives of others. It begins with recognizing our own wounds and seeking the necessary support and guidance to navigate through the healing process. By acknowledging our vulnerability and embracing the healing journey, we allow ourselves to grow stronger and become whole again.

Furthermore, healing is not an isolated endeavor but a communal one. As a community of faith, it is our responsibility to create an environment where healing can flourish. We must foster a culture of love, compassion, and understanding that allows individuals to express their pain without fear of judgment or shame. By extending a helping hand and providing the necessary resources, we can walk alongside those in need, supporting them on their path to healing.

However, we must also remember that healing does not always manifest in the ways we expect or desire. Sometimes, despite our fervent prayers and efforts, physical healing may not occur. In these moments, it is essential to remember that healing encompasses more than just the physical realm. Spiritual healing, emotional healing, and finding peace in the midst of suffering are equally valid and transformative experiences.

We can further cultivate healing by embracing a holistic approach that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Nurturing healthy lifestyles, practicing self-care, and seeking professional help when needed are all essential components in the pursuit of well-being. It is important to remember that healing is a lifelong journey that requires patience, resilience, and faith.

Ultimately, the power of healing transcends the boundaries of our understanding. It is a divine gift that calls us to live our lives in alignment with love, compassion, and service to others. By embracing the healing power within and extending it to those around us, we contribute to the transformation of our world, one life at a time.

May we all be vessels of healing, bringing light, courage, and restoration to a world in need. Let us remember the words of the Psalmist, who declared, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" (Psalm 147:3). With these words in our hearts and the spirit of healing guiding our actions, may we journey together towards wholeness and peace.



Thursday, July 20, 2023

Resonance, Frequencies, and Healing

Resonance, Frequencies, and Healing

 Resonance, Frequencies, and Healing


by James Salter

“When two systems are oscillating at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that causes the two to transfer energy from one to another. When two similarly tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of this energy transfer called entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate at the same frequency” 

-- Richard  Gordon


 Everything in the world is a vibration. Each thing operates at its own unique frequency to maintain balance and stability. If the frequency of an organ or emotion is too high or too low, it is out of balance, and there is disease.

In the realm of healing, resonance plays a significant role. The idea behind resonance-based healing modalities is to restore the body's natural frequencies and bring it back into a state of balance. By introducing specific frequencies or vibrations, healing practitioners aim to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms and aid in the restoration of health.

Resonance-based healing techniques can be employed in various forms, such as sound therapy, electromagnetic therapy, light therapy, and biofield therapy. Each of these modalities utilizes different methods to introduce specific frequencies that resonate with the body's cells, tissues, and energy fields.

Sound therapy, for example, utilizes the healing power of sound vibrations. Certain musical frequencies, tones, and notes are believed to resonate with specific areas of the body. By listening to or working with these particular frequencies, individuals can experience relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being.

Similarly, electromagnetic therapy involves the use of electromagnetic fields to influence the body's energetic and cellular functioning. Different devices, such as pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices or bioresonance machines, can emit specific frequencies to target various health issues. This approach aims to restore the body's natural electromagnetic balance and promote healing.

Light therapy may be promising for certain pain conditions, sports injury rehabilitation, wound healing, and skin concerns such as acne and wrinkles. In addition, the LifeWave X39 patch can activate stem cell rejuvenation with a process called photobiomodulation. By naturally elevating a copper peptide produced by the body, stem cell activation patches boost vitality, overall health, and wellness and turn back time!

Biofield therapies encompass a range of practices, including Reiki, Qi Gong, and therapeutic touch, which focus on working with the subtle energy fields surrounding and flowing through the body. Practitioners believe that disturbances in the biofield lead to physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. By rebalancing and realigning these energy fields, one can optimize their overall well-being.

The effectiveness of resonance-based healing modalities stems from the belief that the body operates on both physical and energetic levels. When these frequencies are disrupted or out of balance, they can lead to various health problems. By reintroducing the appropriate frequencies, resonance-based therapies aim to restore coherence and promote healing.

It is important to note that resonance-based healing modalities should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical treatments. They can, however, be used as complementary approaches to support overall well-being and aid in the healing process.

Research on the efficacy of these modalities is still ongoing, and some skeptics question their scientific validity. However, many individuals have reported positive results and benefits from incorporating resonance-based healing techniques into their wellness routines.

Whether it's the soothing sounds of a Tibetan singing bowl, the electromagnetic pulses of a PEMF device, the activation of stem cells of the X39 patch, or the gentle touch of a Reiki practitioner, resonance-based healing modalities offer a unique approach to supporting the body's natural healing abilities. By working with the body's innate frequencies and energy fields, these techniques aim to restore balance, promote well-being, and facilitate the journey towards optimal health.


Start here to learn about a product that uses your own body's light to assist in health and wellness.

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Have you heard about LifeWave X39?  

 X39 is a true breakthrough in regenerative science. Using light, X39’s patented health technology elevates the copper peptide GHK-Cu-cu, which is known to in health and wellness.

Learn more about LifeWave's X39

Saturday, July 3, 2021

How to Live Forever, Nobody Dies of Natural Causes



All illness is caused by wrong physical lifestyle, i.e., incorrect eating, incorrect living habits, wrong mentality, i.e., incorrect thinking and wrong spirituality, incorrect beliefs.  None of us in "civilization" are "intelligent" and therefore none of us have correct living, correct thinking and correct spirituality.  Perfect health is not found anywhere among mankind in "civilization".   All of us in "civilization", sooner or later, become ill, acutely and chronically.  Our subsequent well-being or possible crippling and/or death, depends on what we choose to do, when we become ill.


All pain, symptoms, dysfunction, illness and disease, are self-limited, i.e., will heal by themselves, if we do not suppress our health problems, whether they be physical, mental and/or spiritual.  All health problems when we first develop them are acute, and will self-heal within seconds, minutes, hours or days.  If we suppress our acute health problems, i.e., interfere with its self-healing, we develop a chronic health problem, which may exist for weeks, months, years or a lifetime. If we don't permit our chronic health problem to self-heal, it will exacerbate and eventually kill us. That is why all human beings prematurely die. All human beings, if and when they die, should die only from so-called natural causes, at a very advanced age or from very severe trauma.


No human being in recorded "civilized" history has ever died of so-called natural causes.  Those human beings, who have died, have died because of severe traumas they were unable to resolve and pathologies and illnesses they did not know how to help self-heal.  Dr. Crile, past head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and one of the world's greatest surgeons said " There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the end-point of a progressive acid saturation of the body".   "Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. The well body succumbs to physical disorders when its own acid debris accumulates to the point where resistance is broken down and the body consequently becomes susceptible to cold, fatigue, nerve exhaustion and degenerative disease. Whole natural foods are PH balanced. Commercial foods are acid foods"


I discovered that every pathology and physiological dysfunction produces a concomitant symptomatology in all human beings. Nobody else, other than I, has ever had previously the insight to write about this inherent self-healing mechanism. This means, that your inherent intelligence, your God within, is always talking to you. If you listen to it and obey it, you will always have good health. So whenever you are ill, your inherent intelligence produces symptoms upon which you should concentrate, meditate on, pay attention to and feel, until you are asymptomatic, i.e., until your symptoms completely and permanently disappear. If and when you will do this, your illness and the cause of your illness, will always help heal completely and permanently.


If you are sick, to get well, close your eyes and keep them closed, 24/7, i.e., every moment you can!  Closing the eyes, rests the brain and mind. An electric rhythm starts as soon as the eyes are closed and ceases immediately when they are opened. This rhythm serves-to clear "negative charges" from the brain. Activity of the eyes prevents recuperation from occurring.  When your eyes are closed and you are at complete rest, bodily energies rejuvenate, cells replenish, tissues repair and organs refresh themselves and are made ready for renewed activity.  When you are sick, you are greatly devitalized and enervated (exhausted) from over activity, excesses, stimulation and emotional excitement. Close your eyes and keep them closed, for completely resting every part of your body. Animals and babies instinctively know they must close their eyes to feel better.

The most common, difficult to manage diseases, are often related to a sleep deficiency. If you are sick or tired, you have a sleep deficiency. Healing takes place, when you are asleep or your eyes are closed. If you are sick, you have a deficiency of healing, therefore a deficiency of sleep.  The body makes the healing of a bone a priority, as opposed to doing other things that are not quite as important. With additional sleep, and/or closing your eyes, the healing process will be better and faster. If you are unwell because of an injury, the more sleep and/or closing your eyes, the quicker you will heal. It does not matter what is or what causes your health problem, whether it is because of lifestyle abuse or external trauma.  You need more sleep and/or closing your eyes. That is the most important thing you can do to make you well.


Vital energy is produced by the blessed elixir of sleep and/or closing your eyes. Sleep and/or closing your eyes are nature's great restorative healing processes. Vital energy is used up by all the activities of life. Vital energy is used up by physical activity, by talking, digestion, emotions, thinking, seeing, hearing, smelling and by sex.  After activity, the brain grows weary and the physical demand for sleep and/or closing the eyes is great. Nerve cell fatigue or exhaustion is deep seated and much time is required to recover. It is the lowering of vital energy in the nerve cells which leads to physical and mental trouble. Carried to an extreme, it leads to a "nervous breakdown".   Close your eyes to replenish your nerve cells and your nerves will get better and feel better.

The actual storing up of the energy reserves or the energy sources of the body, takes place during rest. Activity expends and rest restores the bodily resources. The more the body is stimulated, the sooner it completely collapses. The weaker the body, the less it is able to withstand the action of stimulants. The weaker the body, the greater the necessity of "doing nothing" intelligently, just closing your eyes.  When you close your eyes and pain, discomfort or depression prevents you from sleeping, keep your eyes closed, until the pain, discomfort or depression leaves. Concentrate, meditate, feel, think on the pain, discomfort or depression as intensely as you can. As long as you continue to do this, you will awaken just as refreshed as if you slept for that same period of time as when your eyes were closed.

To heal yourself of disease, you should rest your brain and body, by keeping your eyes closed. Every activity of your eyes, depletes your vitality and inhibits restoration of your health. In every moment of your 24 hours, keep your eyes closed, just like dogs, cats and other pets do, and open your eyes only to satisfy your needs, whether your needs be biological, physical, mental, social, economic or spiritual.  When you are sick, lie down, keep your body inactive, keep your eyes closed and concentrate, meditate, think on, keep your mind on your pain and discomfort, till your pain and distress completely disappear.

SCIENTISTS EXPLAIN WHY WE SHOULD LIVE FOREVER The celebrated Dr. William Hammond asserted that death is not a physiological necessity; that if balance between construction and destruction could be kept minutely and accurately balanced, we need never grow old and need never cease to live, so far as the teachings of physiology go.  Dr. Munroe, a renowned English anatomist, wrote: "The human frame as a machine is perfect: that it contains within itself no marks by which we can possibly predict its decay; it is apparently intended to go on forever."

A celebrated English physician, Dr. John Gardner wrote: "Before the flood men are said to have lived five and even nine hundred years, and as a physiologist, I can assert positively that there is no fact reached by science to contradict or render this improbable. It is more difficult, on scientific grounds, to explain why men die at all, than to believe in the duration of life for a thousand years."

"With a perfectly balanced endocrine system, such as a normal man has, one should live forever. In fact, the Fountain of Youth is within the body.", wrote Dr. Friedenburg, New York, USA.

Professor A.E. Crews, Edinburgh University, Scotland, in addressing a social Hygienic School at Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, saud: "Given the appropriate and essential conditions of the environment, including proper care of the body, and Eternal Youth is in fact a reality in living forms."

Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, M.D., renowned colon specialist and surgeon, who maintained that if waste production could be equaled by waste elimination, old age and disease and premature death would be highly unlikely and even impossible.

 Dr. Arthur G. Clarke, British Astronomer, Physicist and Chairman of the British Interplanetary Society, wrote in Science Digest for March, 1956 :"There appears to be no fundamental reason why man should die so soon as they do. It's not a matter of the body's wearing out, in the sense that a machine wears out. For the body is constantly rebuilding itself, and in the course of one year, almost the entire fabric of the whole body is replaced with new material."

Dr. J.C. Dalton wrote in his book on physiology, "A continuous change goes on in the substance of the entire body, by which its materials are constantly dissolved and constantly renewed. Vital Force is incessantly engaged in disintegrating all the tissues of which the body is composed, and rebuilding them again of new, fresh material, so that all tissues of the body are always renewed and always ready to perform alloted work."

Dr. Deepak Chopra, renowned lecturer and author, states that our bodies have been observed to naturally have the ability for constant rejuvenation, that every year 98% of the total atoms in the body are replaced, that your skin is new every five weeks, that your bones are entirely new every three months and your stomach lining is new every five days.


The human body is not a mere machine that sooner or later must wear out, that it never dies because it has lived long enough, or lived too much. If we provide optimum nutrition and optimum detoxification to all the cells, tissues and organs in human beings, they should be able to live forever. If the cells of the human body are maintained at all times in a congenial environment, human beings can live forever.

What is nutrition? Nutrition means all the processes and functions that are necessary for the assimilation of food.

What is detoxification? Detoxification is the final expulsion of waste materials through the various excretory organs.  Every part of the human body, renews and repairs itself, by its own intrinsic power to absorb nutritive material from the surrounding medium and assimilate, organize, and transform it into material identical with its own, and endow it with vital properties, if it is supplied with appropriate food.

Life in the human body is maintained by the reproduction of cells, new cells arising to take the place of dead and worn out ones. It is in a constant process of self-renewal. Cells are constantly being broken down, cells are just as constantly being renewed or replaced.  There is no sound reason, for believing that the cells of the human body could not live as long and as well in the human body as in the test-tube of the scientist, if the functions of life are not impaired. The cells of the human body are capable of replacing, by growth and reproduction, such as they undergo for the scientist in the laboratory, all worn out and broken down cells, while the human body is capable of removing and expelling the injured or dead cells.

Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Importance of Healing

If you do not heal the wounds of the past you will continue to bleed. Many of us operate in "wimpy" stories. How much energy do you invest into the memories of childhood? Sometimes when you are the victim you think you are the "good guy." When you clear up the past you erase history, which you can still honor by the way. Go back and clear it but don't stay there. Just go back in gratitude. When you move through the healing process, blocked energies are released.

By letting Love and Compassion into your heart you will automatically forgive everyone, fear will disappear and Divine love will be in your life. We are children of God and we have to reawaken our Divine nature.

Diseases may be looked upon as obstacles in our paths, which have been positioned there by our Higher Selves, so we can slow down and re-examine where we are going with our lives.

Illness is a warning sign that tells us something is wrong and must be corrected. If not, the illness will flair up again and again until we listen to it or it will be too late. If we do not change our direction we might wind up where we are headed. Jesus said, "I am the door." You can't fit through the door if you are carrying the past around.

If Jesus Returned Today: A Reflection on Humanity's Journey

  If Jesus Returned Today: A Reflection on Humanity's Journey By Olivia Salter If Jesus returned today, one might imagine that He would...