Monday, September 25, 2023

The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light by Janet Young, Foreword by Olivia Salter


The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light 


by Janet Young


Foreword by Olivia Salter



It is with great pleasure and honor that I introduce the enlightening work "The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light" by Janet Young. In an era where scientific advancements dominate our understanding of the world, Janet Young's exploration into the depths of the subconscious mind is a refreshing departure from conventional knowledge.

Throughout human history, the subconscious mind has captivated our curiosity, evoking a sense of awe and mystery. It is within the recesses of this enigmatic realm that our thoughts, emotions, desires, and beliefs reside, shaping our perception of reality and guiding our actions. Yet despite its undeniable influence on our lives, the subconscious mind often remains misunderstood and overlooked.

Janet Young, a brilliant author and scholar, fearlessly delves into the intricate workings of the subconscious mind, unraveling its secrets and shedding light on its profound impact. Drawing from a wide array of disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and spirituality, Young skillfully weaves together a comprehensive tapestry of knowledge, inviting readers on an illuminating journey.

"The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light" serves as a bridge between the realms of science and spirituality, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the subconscious mind's interconnectedness with our consciousness. Young skillfully navigates the complex terrain of this inner landscape, embracing both the rational and mystical aspects to present a holistic approach to unlocking its vast potential.

What sets this book apart is Young's compassionate and empathetic approach. She acknowledges the diverse experiences and challenges that individuals face, ensuring that her insights resonate with readers from all walks of life. By grounding her explanations in relatable examples and personal anecdotes, she creates a space for introspection and deep self-reflection.

The empowerment of the subconscious mind lies at the heart of this book. Young not only unravels the hidden layers of this powerful force but also guides readers towards practical techniques and exercises to unlock its transformative potential. By equipping us with the tools needed to navigate our subconscious, she assists us in unraveling limiting beliefs, harnessing our creativity, and achieving personal growth.

Janet Young’s writing style is profound yet approachable, striking a delicate balance that makes her work accessible to both seasoned researchers and newcomers to the field alike. Her ability to translate complex concepts into simple and relatable language provides a fulfilling reading experience, leaving readers with a deep sense of understanding and inspiration.

"The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light" is a seminal work that invites us to embark on a captivating journey towards self-discovery and self-empowerment. Janet Young's passion for understanding the human mind shines through, illuminating every page with wisdom and insight. As you delve into the profound depths of this book, be prepared to unlock the hidden potential that lies within your own subconscious mind.

I am confident that readers will find "The Subconscious Mind and Its Illuminating Light" to be an invaluable resource, guiding them towards a deeper appreciation of their own inner workings. It is a timeless masterpiece that will continue to inspire and empower individuals, offering solace and enlightenment in an otherwise perplexing world.

Olivia Salter


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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Spiritual Journey: Letting Go of Those Who Do Not Deserve to Be in Your Life by Olivia Salter

Spiritual Journey: Letting Go of Those Who Do Not Deserve to Be in Your Life by Olivia Salter

Spiritual Journey: Letting Go of Those Who Do Not Deserve to Be in Your Life 


by Olivia Salter

Good morning, beloved friends. Today I want to address a topic that is often difficult but necessary for our growth and well-being: letting go of people who do not deserve to be in our lives. Life is a journey filled with various connections and relationships. Some bring us joy and support, while others can drain our energy and hinder our progress.

We all encounter people who may not have our best interests at heart—those who bring negativity, toxicity, or take advantage of our kindness. These individuals can be friends, family members, romantic partners, or even acquaintances. It is important to recognize that their presence in our lives can hinder our own personal growth, rob us of happiness, and prevent us from embracing the fullness of life that God intends for us.

Letting go of someone who does not deserve to be in our lives is not an act of selfishness; it is an act of self-preservation. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Our hearts are precious, and we must protect them from those who continually hurt them or undermine our self-worth.

However, letting go is not an easy task. Our natural inclination is to hold on, hoping that things will change or that we can fix the broken relationship. But sometimes God calls us to release these individuals from our lives for our own well-being. This does not mean we stop caring for them or loving them, but we recognize that the relationship is no longer healthy and that it is time to move on.

Letting go requires strength, courage, and faith in God's plan for our lives. It is not a sign of weakness but rather a demonstration of wisdom and maturity. We must trust in God's guiding hand and believe that He has something better in store for us. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:13–14, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize, for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

When we let go of those who do not deserve to be in our lives, we create space for healthier relationships, positive influences, and personal growth. We allow God to lead us on a path that aligns with His purpose for us. It is important to surround ourselves with individuals who uplift us, inspire us, and challenge us to become the best versions of ourselves.

So how do we go about letting go? Firstly, we must recognize the signs of a toxic relationship. Is there constant negativity, disrespect, or a lack of trust? Does the relationship drain you emotionally, mentally, or spiritually? If the answer is yes, then it may be time to consider letting go.

Secondly, seek wisdom and guidance from God through prayer. Ask Him to reveal His will for your life and provide you with the strength to let go. Remember, God's love for us is unconditional, and He wants what is best for His children. Trust in His plan, and He will guide you towards a better future.

Lastly, surround yourself with a support system. Seek the counsel of wise and trusted individuals who can provide guidance and encouragement during this challenging time. Lean on your faith, community, family, and friends who can help you through the process of letting go.

Beloved friends, letting go of people who do not deserve to be in our lives is not an easy journey, but it is one that leads to personal growth, healing, and fulfillment. Remember that you are worthy of love, respect, and joy. God's plan is to give us a future filled with hope, and sometimes that requires letting go of those who do not align with His purpose for our lives.

May we find the strength to recognize when it is time to let go, the courage to release those who are toxic to our well-being, and the faith to trust in God's plan. Let us embrace the freedom that comes from releasing what is holding us back and open our hearts to the blessings that await us on the other side.

May the grace of God empower us to make wise choices, cultivate healthy relationships, and walk a path that leads to a life of abundance, love, and peace. Amen.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Spiritual Journey: Spirituality and The Ten Commandments by Olivia Salter

Spiritual Journey: Spirituality and the Ten Commandments by Olivia Salter

Spiritual Journey: Spirituality and The Ten Commandments


by Olivia Salter


 In the realm of spirituality, The Ten Commandments hold significant importance. These commandments, often referred to as the Decalogue, are widely regarded as a set of moral and ethical principles that form the foundation of many religious and spiritual practices. They serve as a guide for individuals seeking to lead a righteous and spiritually fulfilling life.

Originally given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible and are specifically mentioned in both the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Torah of Judaism. While they are most commonly associated with these two faiths, the principles they convey can be applied to various spiritual and moral frameworks.

The first four commandments primarily address an individual's relationship with a higher power. They emphasize the importance of acknowledging the existence of a supreme being and the worship of that entity. These commandments urge individuals to have faith, not to worship other gods, not to create idols, and to keep the Sabbath day holy. These principles promote a deep and genuine connection with the divine, encouraging spirituality and personal growth.

The next set of commandments revolves around human relationships and ethics. These commandments emphasize the importance of respecting and honoring one's parents, refraining from harming others, maintaining fidelity in relationships, avoiding theft, being truthful, and avoiding envy or covetousness. These principles guide individuals in leading a virtuous life rooted in compassion, empathy, and integrity.

Regardless of one's specific spiritual or religious beliefs, the Ten Commandments serve as a universal moral compass. They provide a framework for understanding and navigating complex ethical dilemmas, fostering personal growth, and promoting harmonious relationships with others. By following these principles, individuals can cultivate a stronger connection to their spirituality and lead a life centered around kindness, integrity, and love.

Moreover, The Ten Commandments not only guide individuals on a spiritual path, but they also emphasize the importance of communal harmony and societal well-being. The principles of honesty, respect, and justice in relationships, as laid out in the commandments, are key to building and maintaining a harmonious and just society. They promote fairness, discourage harmful actions, and encourage the cultivation of a moral society.

Ultimately, spirituality is a personal journey, and each individual may interpret and apply The Ten Commandments differently. Some may view them as strict rules to follow, while others see them as valuable guidelines to cultivate a deep sense of connection with the divine and lead a meaningful life. Regardless of interpretation, The Ten Commandments play a pivotal role in the spiritual lives of many, guiding their actions, decisions, and interactions with others.

In a world filled with uncertainty and moral ambiguity, The Ten Commandments serve as a timeless and steadfast reminder of the values and principles that can lead to spiritual growth and fulfillment. By incorporating these commandments into our lives and living by their principles, we can strive for a deeper understanding of our spirituality, our ethical conduct, and our role in society.

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Key to the Universe Or a Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers and Symbols by F Homer Curtiss B S, Harriette Augusta Curtiss (PDF)

The Key to the Universe Or a Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers and Symbols by F Homer Curtiss B S, Harriette Augusta Curtiss

The Key to the Universe Or a Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers and Symbols




F Homer Curtiss B S, Harriette Augusta Curtiss


These are days of great unrest in all walks of life. Many are running to and fro seeking a firm foundation on which to erect their Temple of Truth. These are the days foretold by the prophet Amos: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." It takes but little insight to see in present-day conditions the literal fulfillment of the prophecy: "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. * * * * Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

But we may not be deceived there; there must be some firm foundation on which we can rest assured and build. Where shall this be found? This is the question that this volume seeks to answer through the interpretation of the spiritual meanings of the unchanging symbols banded down to mankind in the only exact science, numbers. It does not profess to be the 1 and only Book of Wisdom, the only true and satisfying solution of the world's problems, but it does strive to set forth an exposition of the framework on which the cosmic philosophy of the ancient Wisdom Religion was based (subject to the human limitations of the transmitting personalities), together with such inspirational light as has been vouchsafed to the authors, who make no claim to save the office of trans. initiates and distributors of the spiritual food, especially stored and preserved in the storehouse of the King, in readiness for this time of famine.

Today, many are striving to appease this soul-bunger.. ger. Many well-intentioned teachers who have had a realization of a phase of truth strive to fill the need, but because they do not have a cosmic and all-inclusive philosophy, they can give but a few crumbs to a hungry person here and there, while the great majority of those who are not content to take any single phase of truth still seek, hungering, starving, or feeding on the husks of materialistic conceptions. Others, in an effort to be less personal, are telling the hungry ones to cease seeking help from teachers and look only to the inside. In fact, we have in our hands a little circular that voices, in the following words, the note of almost universal despair and disappointment with teachers: "To you, who thought you had found in some great teacher, who was perhaps the acknowledged head of some society, fraternity, or religion, and who appeared to you to be a 'Master,' so marvelous was the wisdom he taught and the works he performed, only to awaken later to the realization that that 'Master' was but a human personality, with faults and weaknesses and secret sins, the same as you, even though' that personality may have been a channel through which was voiced many beautiful teachings, which seemed to you the highest 'Truth.' * * * To you, I AM come.* * * For I AM your real teacher, * * * and the only MASTER."

This idea that all wisdom, comfort, and help can be found within is but a further fulfillment of the prophecy as given in St. Matthew (xxiv, 26): "Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert [of mere intellectual learning]; go not forth; behold, be is in the secret chambers [the Within]; believe it not." Here we find the two opposite poles of teaching, as common in the days of the Apostles as today, anticipated and provided for. Where then shall we find rest, peace, and spiritual food?

Dear Reader, long before the famine was sent into the land, preparations for it were made. Joseph was sent into the darkness of Egypt to prepare for the 7 years of famine by gathering up the surplus of corn and wine during the 7 years of plenty and preserving them in the King's granaries and storehouses, so that when the lean years came, there would be plenty of food for all who asked it of the King. So the Spiritual Teachers of the Race, the Masters of Wisdom and Elder Brothers of humanity, have for our sakes dwelt in Egypt that they might store up in the granaries of the King of Kings the spiritual philosophy, which alone can bring satisfaction when the days of famine of the Word are upon us. It is they who have marked out the way that leads directly to the storehouse of the King of Kings.

Think of the days of famine in Egypt, when those who came seeking the food so lavishly furnished by Joseph caviled at his personality. Did they say, "This man is a Canaanite? He has served time in prison. He has been sold as a slave. He is but human like ourselves, with faults and weaknesses and secret sins, even as we ourselves. He cannot feed us. We will have none of him. The same God who gave him the forethought to store up the corn and wine is our God. We will find Him within, and He shall feed us, for all things are  ours."It is obvious that such an individual would have gone hungry and been forced to prove the fallacy of his doctrine. And so must it ever be. For while the I AM is the Christ within every soul, there is no greater sin—by sin we mean mistake—than the great "heresy of separateness." It takes all humanity to complete the expression of the Divine; hence, since the wisdom of no one man has ever evolved a complete science or formulated a philosophy without the aid of his predecessors, no one Soul can unaidedly find the whole truth within himself. All a soul can find within is its own truth, the truth that will make it free. The voice of Christ within giveth testimony unto truth, i.e., the I AM tells us unmistakably what is truth and what is not. Also, it should be remembered that all truth comes to man through a human intellect, either through your own or that of another, while the I AM simply knows and recognizes truth, witnesses to it, and affirms it. Therefore, as long as we listen to this voice within, no personality, teacher, or teaching can deceive or disappoint us, for we will "take, eat" only from the Christ the bread that He has broken and given to His disciples to be distributed to the multitude; we will drink only from the cup that He has blessed and filled with His own spiritual life force. This is the basis on which we ask you to consider the teachings of this volume. If you hear the assenting voice within or feel the thrill of truth confirmed, then partake of it for the upbuilding of your spiritual life. If not, then pass it by until a riper understanding reveals it to you.

The Wisdom Religion is the accumulated wisdom, 1st of Revelation; 2nd of Inner Assent by The Christ within; and 3rd of Experience, not of any one man but of many men in all ages who have struggled, sinned, suffered, triumphed, and finally transcended the problems and forces of life. These have left behind them a well-trodden path leading to the very door of the storehouse of the King, where they ever stand ready to pass on to soul-hungry, starving humanity the life-giving food, for they have eaten of it and found it utterly satisfying and will neither hunger nor thirst any more. Some morsels are offered here. Take it, eat if you will, and be satisfied.


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Embracing Confidence: Let It Inspire, Not Offend Your Insecurities by Olivia Salter

Embracing Confidence: Let It Inspire, Not Offend Insecurity by Olivia Salter 

Do Not Allow My Confidence to Offend Your Insecurities

-- Deion Sanders


Embracing Confidence: Let It Inspire, Not Offend Your Insecurities


by Olivia Salter

Confidence is a quality that can empower individuals to overcome challenges, achieve personal growth, and lead fulfilling lives. But while confidence is desirable, it can sometimes inadvertently offend those who are struggling with their own insecurities. It is crucial to understand that confidence should not be dampened or held back to accommodate the sensitivities of others. Instead, it is essential to foster an environment where confidence can inspire and motivate without causing harm or undermining the dignity of others.

Understanding Insecurity:

Insecurity is a deeply rooted feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that affects many individuals. It stems from various sources, such as past experiences, societal pressures, or personal expectations. Insecurity is a personal battle that requires a considerate and compassionate approach from others. However, it is equally important to recognize that allowing one's own insecurities to dictate the behavior or success of others is not a healthy or productive approach.

The Power of Confidence:

Confidence is the belief in one's abilities, qualities, and self-worth. It is the driving force that propels individuals to pursue their goals, embrace challenges, and unleash their full potential. Confidence fuels personal growth, promotes resilience, and fosters a positive mindset. Moreover, displaying confidence can also inspire others to believe in themselves, leading to a more supportive and encouraging environment for all.

Avoiding Offense:

While confidence should be embraced and celebrated, it is important to exercise it in a considerate manner. Practicing empathy and understanding can help prevent inadvertently offending those who may be struggling with insecurity. Here are a few suggestions to strike a balance between expressing confidence and respecting others:

1. Cultivate self-awareness: Understand the impact of your words and actions on those around you. Be mindful of your confidence levels and the potential influence they may have on others' self-esteem.

2. Encourage and uplift: Instead of boasting or belittling, focus on supporting and inspiring others. Celebrate individual achievements and provide encouragement and guidance to those who may be experiencing self-doubt.

3. Active listening: Show genuine interest in others' perspectives and experiences. Actively listen and acknowledge their feelings, concerns, and insecurities. By doing so, you create a supportive space where insecurities can be navigated and overcome constructively.

4. Collaborate and empower: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone's strengths are acknowledged and utilized. Building others up fosters a positive atmosphere that allows individuals to grow together and fosters mutual respect.

5. Be humble: Confidence should not manifest as arrogance or condescension. Recognize and appreciate the strengths and accomplishments of others. Being humble and open to learning from others can help foster a more inclusive and supportive environment.

In conclusion, confidence is an innate quality that should be embraced, as its power can be harnessed to achieve personal growth and inspire those around us. However, it is crucial to recognize and empathize with the insecurities others may face. By exercising considerate behavior, actively supporting others, and fostering a collaborative environment, confidence can thrive without offending or causing harm. Striking a balance between self-assurance and the well-being of others can lead to a more inclusive, uplifting, and empowering community for everyone involved.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Lord is My Shepherd: A Powerful Psalm of Comfort by Olivia Salter

The Lord is My Shepherd: A Powerful Psalm of Comfort by Olivia Salter

The Lord is My Shepherd: A Powerful Psalm of Comfort


by Olivia Salter

Scripture: Psalm 23 (King James Version)

Beloved friends today we gather to meditate on one of the most beloved and profound passages in the entire Bible, Psalm 23. This timeless psalm penned by King David speaks powerfully of God's provision of guidance and comfort in our journey through life. It reminds us that even in the darkest valleys, we have a faithful shepherd who leads, sustains, and protects us. Let us delve into this beautiful psalm and draw inspiration from its enduring truths.

Verse 1: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

The very first verse sets the tone for the entire psalm. David confidently declares that the Lord is his shepherd—a title associated with care, guidance, and leadership. As the shepherd knows his sheep intimately, our God knows us better than anyone else. The Lord's intimate knowledge and unfailing love for His flock assure us that nothing will be lacking in our lives. In Him, we find complete satisfaction and fulfillment.

Verse 2: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters."

David, drawing upon his own experience as a shepherd, paints a picturesque scene of serenity. He likened himself to a sheep that finds nourishment and rests in green pastures. Our Shepherd, who knows our weariness and understands our needs, leads us to places of quietness and peaceful refreshment. Like a skillful shepherd guiding his flock, God leads us beside still waters, providing tranquility in a world filled with turmoil.

Verse 3: "He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

In this verse, we witness the restorative power of our shepherd. He is not only concerned with our physical wellbeing but also with the state of our souls. When we are broken, weary, or lost, God restores and rejuvenates us. His guiding hand leads us on the path of righteousness, keeping us on the right track and ensuring that His name is glorified through our lives.

Verse 4: "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me."

Life is filled with dark valleys and moments of profound grief, fear, and uncertainty. Yet even in the face of death itself, David reminds us that we need not fear because our Shepherd is with us. Regardless of the trials we encounter, the Lord's presence and protection bring reassurance and comfort. His rod brings discipline, correcting and guiding us, while His staff offers support and protection.

Verse 5: "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."

In this verse, we see the lavish provision of our shepherd. Even amidst enemies and adversity, God prepares a feast for us, symbolizing His abundant provision and spiritual nourishment. The anointing with oil showcases His investiture of favor, blessing, and overflowing joy upon His beloved children. Our Shepherd's goodness and loving kindness overwhelm us, causing our cup to overflow.

Verse 6: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

David concludes this psalm with a resounding affirmation of God's eternal faithfulness. He declares that goodness and mercy will accompany him every step of the way throughout his life. As we too journey with our Shepherd, we can be confident that His goodness and mercy will faithfully pursue us. And beyond this life, we have the assurance of dwelling in the house of the Lord forever—that glorious eternal home He has prepared for us.

Dear friends, in Psalm 23, we find a profound and enduring declaration of God's love, care, and faithfulness towards us. David's words serve as a timeless reminder that even in the most challenging seasons of life, we have a shepherd who guides, protects, and provides for us. May this psalm be etched into our hearts, reminding us to place our complete trust in our loving Shepherd, who leads us from green pastures to still waters, restores our souls, comforts us in times of darkness, and promises us an everlasting home in His presence. Let us surrender ourselves to the care of the Lord, our faithful Shepherd, and experience the depth of His incredible love. Amen.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Secret of Spiritual Power by George D. Watson, Foreword by Olivia Salter (PDF)

The Secret of Spiritual Power by George D. Watson, Foreword by Olivia Salter (PDF)

The Secret of Spiritual Power


by George D. Watson


Foreword by Olivia Salter




It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I write this foreword for George D. Watson's remarkable book, "The Secret of Spiritual Power." In a world filled with distractions and challenges, nourishing our spiritual life and tapping into the divine power become increasingly crucial. And that is precisely what Watson skillfully explores in this timeless piece of spiritual literature.

George D. Watson, a renowned evangelist and holiness preacher of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, possessed a profound insight into the nature of spiritual power. Regarded as one of the leading voices in the Holiness movement, Watson's teachings have influenced countless seekers over generations, and his words continue to resonate with truth and clarity even today.

"The Secret of Spiritual Power" delves into the very heart of what it means to live a life empowered by the Spirit of God. Watson assures us that genuine spiritual power goes beyond human effort, religious rituals, or mere intellectual knowledge. Instead, he uncovers the divine secret hidden in Scripture and invites us to embark on a transformative journey to experience the fullness of God's power in our lives.

Drawing upon the wisdom of the Bible, Watson bridges the gap between theory and practice as he explores crucial aspects of spiritual power, including faith, surrender, prayer, and consecration. He invites us to reexamine our understanding of these concepts and guides us toward a deeper, more authentic connection with God. Through real-life examples, personal anecdotes, and biblical illustrations, Watson instills hope and encourages us to pursue an intimate and vibrant relationship with our Creator.

While "The Secret of Spiritual Power" was first penned over a century ago, its relevance remains undiminished. In a world facing unprecedented challenges and an ever-growing hunger for spiritual fulfillment, Watson's insights provide timeless guidance and illumination. He reminds us that spiritual power is not reserved for a select few, but is available to all who earnestly seek it. Moreover, he affirms that this power is not meant for selfish gain, but for the transformation of ourselves and the world around us.

As you embark on this profound journey through the pages of "The Secret of Spiritual Power," be prepared to be inspired, challenged, and transformed. Open your heart and mind to the truths presented by Watson, for they possess the potential to ignite a fire within you and unleash the power of the Spirit in ways you never thought possible.

May this book serve as a guide, a source of encouragement, and an invitation to embrace the secret of spiritual power in your own life. Let it be a catalyst for transformation, propelling you to live a life filled with purposeful joy and an unwavering connection to the Divine. And may you, like countless others, discover the profound truth that spiritual power is not a distant and unattainable dream but a life-giving reality waiting to be embraced.

Embrace this book with an open heart, and let George D. Watson's wisdom illuminate your path towards unlocking the secret of spiritual power.

Yours in the journey,

Olivia Salter


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The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy by William Walker Atkinson

The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy   by William Walker Atkinson   A supplementary teaching to the Arcane Teaching of Alchemy In the ...