Welcome to Pathways to Eden

Welcome, my dear friend,

Since you have made the choice to visit this web page, you are probably aware that it is no longer enough in human development just to conquer the Earth and her elements. The need is NOW to master a new terrain, the inner realm of love and higher consciousness about which so many these days are talking. The way there is like the two wings of a bird, one wing is a Masters guidance and grace and the second is conscious self effort. To truly evolve, we need both.

Sooner or later, your soul comes to a crossroad. It is a point of decision made on the conscious level. You either choose to continue within the out-dated, fear-based paradigms or break free and begin the journey to the higher realms where Love is the ultimate power.

As you embrace your destiny, you naturally follow the path of the heart, finding your guidance in the Divine Love that is your very heartbeat. How significant is the imminent evolution which lies just ahead of you? In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "You must BE the change you wish to see in the world."

In this important evolutionary era, I Invite YOU to take the Next Step... and embrace the opportunity for the most rewarding experience of your life.

Garden of Eden in the BIBLE, the first home of humans. God established the garden, with its trees of knowledge and of life, as a dwelling place for ADAM and EVE, until, having eaten of the forbidden fruit, they were banished.

Within these pages you will find real tools for spiritual living that are directly applicable to our everyday lives. Learn more about letting go and let God/Goddest/Spirit direct us for our highest good.

Experience prayer as a dynamic and participatory activity. See for yourself how listening to the Spirit within, forgiving ourselves and others, and unconditional loving can lift us and head us in God/Goddest/Spirit's direction. Learn to contact your Higer Self and reclaim your GOD given place in "Eden" and live in harmony with the environment.

As this candle is carried from one site to another, the flame of spiritual love and healing continues to light the way for those who seek to know the true self. Take this light with you to your page that it may light the way to love and healing. Watch as it travels from one place to another and in so doing it embraces our world with hope.

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